Range Rover tops UK’s list of most stolen cars 2022

Range Rover tops UK's list of most stolen cars 2022

7. Land Rover Discovery

To those familiar with these listings – Range Rover has once again topped the list of the UK’s most stolen cars. The British manufacturer also claimed the crown in 2020 too. The 4×4, produced by Land Rover, was the most popular car to be pinched by thieves in 2021. Car theft has always been a huge problem in the UK, and despite some having trackers, or keeping their cars behind locked gates, this isn’t enough to stop theft. Manufactures like Mercedes and BMW also find their way onto the list, yet again. The reason why Range Rover tops the list is simply because of it’s demand. Thieves know that if they are to steal one, within organised crime gangs, the demand for re-selling it is very high. Keyless entry systems have been blamed for many of the thefts, with some reports suggesting that 94% of the cars recovered in 2021 had been taken without the key.


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February 15, 2022 | 7:01 pm