Iran’s national car, the IKCO Samand

Iran's national car, the IKCO samand

7. Detail in the rear taillights of the Samand

Samand is often seen as the national car of Iran. It is a car brand manufactured by Iran Khodro and is a 4 door sedan based off a Peugeot 405. While parts of it are built in a number of different countries, ranging from Senegal to Venezuela to Iran, the well-built, reliable car is staple to the excellent Iranian car manufacturing industry. Samand is in fact such a well built car that Turkey is the second most selling point for Samands. Other countries that also have a high number of sales of Samand include Algeria and Egypt, Armenia and Bangladesh as well as Russia and Switzerland in Europe. Brand new it’ll cost around $9,000 US dollars and the car can produce speeds of up to 110mph. Here is a gallery of pictures of a brand new Samand, covering both exterior and interior shots of the car.


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May 21, 2018 | 7:20 pm