Tips for working from home, to avoid the virus
2. Pick the Right Workspace for you
Many people around the world are now being told by their employers to work from home, or “work remotely”. This is simply due to the level of uncertainty and fear around increasing the chances of catching and spreading the infamous coronavirus. With more people working from home, there’s less commuters during rush hour, less of a lunch time rush in busy places, and less of an office environment with the chance of spreading germs. While working from home is an ideal scenario for many, it’s not as straight forward as you might think. The typical thinking behind it is you can stroll out of bed whenever you fancy, turn on the computer and get on with your normal day. However, if you really want to ensure you’re not falling behind on your work, and are actually putting in a productive day’s worth of work, we advise you follow some top tips for working from home. Being in an office environment helps the mind focus and ensure they are productive, as that is the main goal of an office. However, being in a home environment is quite the opposite. Homes are for relaxing, resting, sleeping, eating and taking time out from work. So in order to bring some of that productive thinking and working to your home environment, following some of our tips could help you achieve and be better prepared for working from home. Here’s our 8 top tips for working from home, to avoid the virus.
March 13, 2020 | 7:08 pm