Companies that could be most profitable during COVID-19

Companies that could be most profitable during COVID-19

1. Amazon – many people online shopping now

No one fully knows how the market will unfold over the next few weeks and months. With stocks rising and falling very often, unemployment numbers reaching higher than ever before, one thing for certain, is that predicting what’s next is anyone’s guess. However, during this pandemic, there have been a number of consistent trends throughout the world. For example, people are buying more and more groceries, people are investing more in technologies at home, and people are trying their absolute best to keep themselves occupied. As one door closes, another opens, and the opportunity to seize more business during this particular period has proven quite fruitful for these companies. It’s no surprise that industries such as tech, the pharmaceutical and even the active sportswear industries have found a new market. So following these trends, here’s our best guess of companies that could be most profitable, even during this particularly challenging time of COVID-19.


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April 8, 2020 | 4:43 pm