Companies that could be most profitable during COVID-19

Companies that could be most profitable during COVID-19

1. Amazon – many people online shopping now No one fully knows how the market will unfold over the next … Continue reading ➝

Tips for working from home, to avoid the virus

Tips for working from home, to avoid the virus

1. Get Dressed Like You’re Going to Work Many people around the world are now being told by their employers … Continue reading ➝

Qantas launch world's first 20-hour direct flight

Qantas launch world’s first 20-hour direct flight

1. Qantas’s new 20-hour flight took off from JFK The long flight of all long flights is already on it’s … Continue reading ➝

How did King Jong Un get his Mercedes?

How did King Jong Un get his Mercedes?

1. How did North Korean Leadder King Jong Un get his Mercedes? Despite US sanctions being clear and precise about … Continue reading ➝

Most expensive roads in London to buy

Most expensive roads in London to buy

8. Kensington Square, London, W8, £9,915,000 The London property market is known to be one of, if not the most … Continue reading ➝

Take a first look at the new iPhone 11

Take a first look at the new iPhone 11

1. Apple unveil new iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max Apple has announced its all-new next-generation iPhones. The … Continue reading ➝

London to get world's first 360 infinity roof pool

London to get world’s first 360 infinity roof pool

1. London’s world first 360 infinity roof pool A world first revolutionary pool is coming to London next year, that … Continue reading ➝

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