10 luxurious penthouses in the world
8. House of the Tree, China – Sold for: $22,000,000
For a majority of us, owning a humble sized apartment or house is already quite a challenging task, given the extreme prices of property. However, for a small percentage of people, the issue of owning a luxurious property isn’t really a problem. For those people, there are plenty of options as to where to buy. Penthouses are usually a very popular choice of property type for the world’s multi-millionaires. This is often due to the fact that they are built with luxury in mind, safe as a majority have 24/7 security, plenty of facilities such as gym and spa features and they offer stunning views of the city. A majority of penthouses are also skyscrapers and built in prestigious and wealthy areas in order to entice the rich and famous. We discover the top 10 most luxurious penthouses in the world, along with the city and price that penthouses within that building have previously sold for.
July 15, 2018 | 5:46 pm