Most religious States in the US
10. North Carolina, 65% of adults are highly religious
While approximately seven out of every 10 Americans will identify with some form of connection which Christianity, the growing number of U.S. adults who describe themselves as Christians is dropped 8 percent over the last few years. In fact, there is an increase in the amount of adult Americans who claim to belong to no organised faith at all. These are the figures rounded up in several surveys over the past few years which ask adult Americans about their faith and particular religious beliefs. While Americans are overwhelmingly in favour of Christianity as it’s main religion, give the sheer scale of the States, the US is home to every religion out there. The main facts and figures are that an overwhelming 70% of those who believe in religion follow Christianity and various forms of it, for example Catholicism, while Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Hindu all dominate only 1-2% of the population. The remainder of the results show that approximately over 20% of the population are unaffiliated, or have no belief in religion whatsoever. So it begs the question; what are the most religious States in the US. Here is our comprised list of the 10 most religious States based on surveys found online.