Historical landmarks while under construction

Historical landmarks while under construction

1. Eiffel Tower, Paris

Many of the famous and historical landmarks we know today are easily recognisable and look complete to us. However, there was a time were even that historical landmark was being built and looked rather incomplete. Looking over the past decade and more, historical landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, Mount Rushmore and others were once under construction and looked significantly different to what we know them as today. As photography was black and white back then, these images lack colour, though clear distinctions and features can make them recognisable to their modern day appearance. For example, the iconic four pillar base of the Eiffel Tower can be recognised from afar, while so can the head of the Statue of Liberty. Here’s 9 of the best photos of historical landmarks while they were under construction.


May 15, 2019