Difference between you washing your car and a professional

Difference between you washing your car and a professional

1. They will only contact the car at the right stage

Everyone at some point in there life has tried to wash their own car. Whether it’s simply because we feel all it needed was a splash of water to rinse away some dirt, or because we have our own driveway and feel paying for a professional to do it doesn’t make sense. Well, in actual fact, a large number of car owners admit they do wash their own car, and an even larger number admit they are not professional at it, despite the car appearing clean after the wash. The reality is, if you’re washing your own car, and you’re not a professional, wondering almost certainly doing more damage to your car, than good. The reason for this are quite simple and highlights the difference between a normal car owner and a professional, when washing your car. Firstly, contact is everything. A professional would never contact with dirt on a car, because that will force the dirt to scratch a paint, resulting in extremely minor, but visible paint damage.


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July 12, 2020 | 10:06 pm