Cities that are sinking without you knowing

Cities that are sinking without you knowing

1. Jakarta, Indonesia

Whether it’s due to climate change, sea-level tides, poor structural design, or simply where on the map the city is based, there are currently hundreds of cities worldwide falling below sea level. Some cities, such as Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia are famous for slowly sinking into seas around the, in Jakarta’s case, the Java sea. Other cities, such as London for example, are more recently seeing the first signs that climate change could result in falling below sea level within the next few years. Cities such as New Orleans and Houston are both sinking at an unbelievable rate of 2 inches per year, and a majority of the blame is due to groundwater pumping. Groundwater pumping is simply a way for water to be pumped up stream and into the homes and buildings within a city. While none of these cities are going anywhere anytime soon, it does sound a bell that if dramatic changes are made, then within the next few decades, there could be some serious affects on those cities. Climate change isn’t slowing down and with the earth being 71% water, it’s not a battle that lands will win. Here are some of the cities that are sinking, without you probably knowing about it.
