China landmarks copied from the world
1. China, Tower Bridge (original in London)
Iconic landmarks worldwide, such as Tower Bridge in London and the Eiffel Tower in Paris are extremely popular touristic attractions when visiting that part of the world. Would you be surprised to know that similar monuments and landmarks that look almost identical can also be found in China. In a bizarre and strange situation, the Chinese have impressively replicated many famous worldwide landmarks within their own country. Development and resource costs for these landmarks has cost billions, but what it does give the people of China is an opportunity to get a ‘fake’ experience of these worldwide attractions. The amount of detail and effort that has gone into creating these replica landmarks is rather questionable and while many will simply say they are fake and copies of the original, one thing is for sure that they have been replicated with a lot of accuracy. Here is a list of the most notable landmarks the Chinese have copied across.
September 11, 2018 | 3:30 pm