Bizarre new Social Media craze goes viral

Bizarre new Social Media craze goes viral

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A very new bizarre Social Media craze has taken over online, in which people post pictures of them fake falling from either an expensive car, private jet or another form of luxurious transportation. The craze initially started with Russian millionaires posting to their Social Media accounts and hundreds of thousands of followers. It didn’t take too long for the craze to go viral, and to this day even celebrities are joining in. Thousands of people have participated in the challenge by posing a fake fall beside either their car or jet, with other luxury items besides them. The trend has used the hashtag #FallingStars2018 and is fascinating to see, but somewhat extremely bizarre and hidden in meaning. Social Media crazes aren’t a new thing, but this one has certainly grabbed the attention of many, given the luxury items involved in each post. We take a look at some of the best pictures that show the Falling Stars challenge.


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October 2, 2018 | 10:01 pm