Billionaire Bill Gates wears $50 Casio watch

Billionaire Bill Gates wears $50 Casio watch

3. Chuck Feeney, founder of Duty free shopping, with $30 Casio watch

An expensive watch is often a sign of a man’s wealth, with high-end luxurious watches costing tens of thousands, up to millions of dollars. But how does that compare to when the world’s richest man, Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, wears a humble and affordable $40 Casio watch everyday. With a net worth of over $90 billion, you’d like to think Mr Gates could afford something a bit more luxurious and lavish, well he probably can, but the point Bill and many other successful entrepreneurs like to make on a daily basis is that practically is often more important than anything else. Why spends tens of thousands on a high-end watch when for a fraction of the price, you can get something stylish that achieves the same purpose – to tell the time. We take a look at other humble watches Bill Gates owns, along with other celebrities with affordable watches.


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September 11, 2018 | 3:02 pm